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Coffee & Conversation with Pastor Mark
Join Pastor Mark on Tuesdays at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall to discuss everything and anything, and perhaps solve the world's problems! Serving Keurig Coffees, Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider, etc. with Muffins or Donuts.
United Women in Faith (UWF), called "Hannah Circle", welcomes women of all ages to their monthly meetings, the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. They share in a monthly program of devotion, scripture reading, sometimes arts and crafts, then move into the business portion of the meeting.
United Methodist Youth meet monthly and have other special events such as lock-ins, mystery trips, hands-on-mission to help raise money for church camp.
Family Game or Movie Nights are open to everyone. Watch for the next scheduled Family Game Day, typically on Sundays after worship service! Join us to share in card and board games, Dominoes, etc. Snacks are provided!
Methodism is Montrose and its vicinity dates back to 1858, when at least ten families decided to join together to pray for one another and to help each other live out their Christian lives.
This was called the Virginia Settlement, later to become the Fountain Lake Settlement. Services were held in their homes, which at the time were small cabins. In 1860 these early settlers planned on building a log cabin church on the north end of the "Big Marsh," but the Civil War had begun and Native American troubles broke out, so the church was never finished.
The first members were Clarissa Stacy, Mary Stacy, Charlotte Swartout, Cramer Swartout, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leighter, Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Streater, Mr. & Mrs. Higgens, and the Stacy brothers, Andrew, Joe and Ezra. The first services were held in the Ezra Stacy home on the north bank of Fountain Lake. The ministers walked from station to station through the "Big Woods." The Methodist circuit riders played a leading part in these early days as well. Later the services were held in the Cramer Swartout and Elisha Ferrell homes. Another group, the Kreidler's, had settled near the Crow River and held services in their homes.
When the area for the village of Montrose had been laid out soon after the railroad went through, services were held in an unfinished store building north of the railroad tracks. Later, the Fountain Lake and Crow River units joined to form the Montrose Church.
The first Methodist Church was built in 1881 on the lot north of the ole public school (which today would be located north of the intersection of CR 12, known as Buffalo Avenue, and Highway 12). J.N. Haven who owned a sawmill at the west end of the village, furnished much of the lumber used to build the church. The first pews were made out of roughly hewn planks. The church raised money from "Mush and Milk" socials by charging $.10 a serving. The Montrose Church was also known as a location for the local temperance meetings in which the building was packed to capacity.
In 1952, plans were made to build a new church building. Construction started in April 1953 and the new church was opened for worship on February 7th 1954. Members and friends of the church with the cooperation of a hired building crew had voluntarily given much of the labor that had gone into erecting of the new church. This building remains in use with the current building. The current fellowship hall was previously the sanctuary and the Sunday School rooms are now the lunch room, youth room and storage areas. On June 19, 1983 the church celebrated its 125th Anniversary with Reverend Larry C. Hager and Dr. E. Clayton Burgess presiding over the service.
In 2005, an addition to the 1954 building was opened. The addition has allowed the church to reach out to the growing community of Montrose and also meet the needs of its current congregation. The new sanctuary allows more room for worship. The elevator meets the needs of aging and handicapped persons. The Education Wing allows for the Sunday School and other groups such as the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, 4H Club, and Alcoholics Anonymous to have meeting space, a church office, an art room, nursery and storage space.
The Montrose United Methodist Church is a very active partner with the Montrose community. We hope you will consider visiting and worshipping with us!
The Sunday School class meets Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Each curriculum offers a Memory Verse students learn to recite, a skit, story, snack and craft. There is always something new and fun for the kids. Serving Ages Pre-K to 6th grade.
Our current curriculum through the end of January is "Lights of Christmas: Hope Shines Bright"
For more information, please contact our Christian Education Director,
Angie Ferrell (763) 442-4876
From Super Bowl Weekend Potlucks to our Easter Services, from Mother's Day Brunch to our Annual Hot Dish Supper, from our Halloween Trunk-or-Treat event to our Annual FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner, from our Christmas Candy, Cookie & Craft sale to our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, we are a church that loves to open our doors and welcome everyone to share in Worship Service, Meals, Bible Study, Game Night, Movie Night, National Night Out and our monthly FREE Emergency Food Drops (in partnership with Nourishing Hope & Second Harvest Heartland)!